Do you sometimes find yourself on the road to Emmaus? You've just experienced some amazing spiritual highs, or incredibly close times with God.Then, as they always do,the weeks pass. Are you like me? Do you somehow find that you've forgotten who is walking beside you? That this dear friend has become somewhat of a stranger, unrecognizable?
Scripture reflection: Luke 24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus
1. Imagine yourself walking down the dirt road to Emmaus with Jesus. Is it a sunny day? Rainy?Feel the dirt being kicked up onto your sandals. Like the two disciples, maybe it is hard to see Jesus' face, to really recognize him. There is so much talk about what is going on, and who Jesus is.
2. Ask Jesus if you have been believing any misconceptions about him. Have you been believing a lie about Jesus? Have you created a Jesus that isn't real?
Scripture reflection: Luke 24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus
1. Imagine yourself walking down the dirt road to Emmaus with Jesus. Is it a sunny day? Rainy?Feel the dirt being kicked up onto your sandals. Like the two disciples, maybe it is hard to see Jesus' face, to really recognize him. There is so much talk about what is going on, and who Jesus is.
2. Ask Jesus if you have been believing any misconceptions about him. Have you been believing a lie about Jesus? Have you created a Jesus that isn't real?
3. Thank Jesus for revealing himself to you. Ask him to replace the lie with a truth. Continue to walk with him. Do you have anything you really want to get off your chest? Share it with Jesus. See how he responds.
4. Listen and receive Jesus' love, continuing to walk with him. Is he inviting you to anything? Is he promising you anything?
God of mercy and compassion, your Word calls us home to faith and love. Accept all we offer you today, and help us to continue to receive all you have given. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen