I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The waiting game (pic of 3 of my klassens)

I'm not sure why it is called a game. It isn't much fun at all. Anyways, just briefly glancing over some of your blogs it seems we make a small team: the waiters. I think our theme verse is Isaiah 40:31 and our theme song is , "Hurry up and wait". We are warming up and ready to play... But I guess there has been a delay.

Ala Aimee Odegard and her wonderfulosity, I am going to make a list of the the things that I am waiting for right now:
I am waiting for tuesday to be over, or at least the work part
I am waiting for thanksgiving, so I can see my family
I am waiting for Welcome back weekend so I can see my friends
I am waiting for mail
I am waiting for my job to become less frustrating
I am waiting for motivation to start doing something
I am waiting for David to ask me to marry him
I am waiting for my office to warm up
I am waiting for the junior youth's parents to hand in their surveys
I am waiting for my new contacts to come in so I can see again
I am waiting for a pay check
I am waiting for a time I can do laundry
I am waiting for Kari to phone me back
I am waiting for an opportunity to apologize
I am waiting for a fresh word from God
I am waiting for inspiration
I am waiting for clarity
I am waiting for Christmas!
I am waiting for my silent retreat trip to Abbotsford in November
I am waiting for Walshy to come live with me
I am waiting for the leaves to fall
I am waiting for the Eschaton.

...I don't want to be stuck waiting and not living in the here and now. I know that by waiting for the LORD some of these things will come to be, and some never will. Help me God to know what is worth waiting for.

1 comment:

Kroegeroos said...

If you don't know of their stuff yet, which you probably do since they're amazing, you should check out "Enter the worship circle".... I just bought their new cd... I've been speechless since... seriously, you need to hear this stuff...