(Read through 2-3 times slowly. Pray for a word or phrase to stand out for you. Sit with it. Ask why it may be these words or phrase for you at this time. What are you being invited to? Say a prayer of thanks for this revelation)
Psalm 67
May God be gracious to us and bless us
And make His face to shine upon us
That your ways may be known on earth
Your salvation among all nations
May the peoples praise you O God
May all the peoples praise you
May the nations be glad and sing for joy
For you rule the peoples justly
And guide the nations of the earth
May the peoples praise you O God
May all the peoples praise you
Then the land will yield its harvest
and God, our God will bless us
God will bless us
And all the ends of the earth will fear him
God spoke through Elli to speak to Courtney. Thank you for being willing to share what God guided you to tell.
"May the nations be glad and sing for joy" - I am quite a negative nancy on my first day back to work but the Lord sure shut me up..I WILL be glad and sing for joy! HE is RISEN! Thank-you for your gentle spirit, much love and miss you always* God speed Elli!
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