A couple of days ago I was talking a lot during a life-group Bible Study. I was talking too much. Part of my compulsion to talk is that I process out loud. Anways, I don't have a lot of grace for myself in this. Later in the night I had a little epiphany about it. I don't have many other friends who want to sit around with me and just talk about God. I could fill my whole day with it. When I do finally get my once a week chance to talk and share, I gorge. This little realization gave me so much peace and forgiveness. It is hard to be tender with oneself when you are a "needs less" rather than "needs more" person. I don't need to share more or risk more or talk more. I have intensity and obnoxiousness and loudness. I need so much less of those things.
Part of why I love trees relates to this in a round about way. They take up space. Sometimes a lot. It is often in an inconvenient area of town that a tree decides to branch out and fill up as much sky room as possible. A tree that is tangled and knotted with branches dissecting into more branches is so beautiful to me. The more they put out there, the more I appreciate them.
I don't have much of a vocabulary. But I do have passion for the things I write and speak about.
To put my little thoughts out into the world is always a risk. May I be reminded by possibly the second greatest creation ever that growing big and branching out isn't neccessarily a bad thing. I may not be able to change it...And maybe God doesn't really want to.
I can REALLY relate. Especially in the aftermath of little grace for myself. It is a painful feeling. Thank you for the image of the tree, and the grace-full post about this.
once again, well said.
ps - you and david were such a fun part of our wedding! thank you immensely.
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