I don't know what it is (perhaps a Good God) but despite a messy apartment with too many crafts and projects left undone, crazy school schedule and a large obsession with winning the lottery, I find myself with a general sense of wellbeing. Yahoo!
I am so grateful for David
I am so grateful for the sun and the reflection off the apartments that gives us light for an extra hour it seems
I am so grateful our apartment didn't burn down last night when we forgot hot oil on the stove and it burst into flames
I am so grateful for people that smile at me while I'm walking, or on the bus
For the lady at Capers with an obnoxiously large crystal necklace
For the truth that simplicity is better
For the amber necklace
For frozen waffles from Capers
I miss old friends and the chance to connect with them. I miss having creative productivity. But life is good. Now I've got to go do the dishes.
great list and what an amazing photo. Beautiful and peaceful and happy!
Hey Elli bell,
I'm sorry I'm slow on the letter writing. I have had quite the time with a few visitors lately...including one that hasn't left yet.
At least I get to read your blog to see what you've been up to:)
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