When you lean too far one way, you've got to correct yourself with an exaggerated weight shift to the other side...But not too much or you'll fall. Concentrate on the centre line.
The more I look around, the more I open my eyes and really notice...
All of creation is supporting me.
The trees use their branches to lift me up
The wind pushes at my slouching back
The sun sends energy into my palms and eyes
Friends laughter feeds my empty stomach
Hugs give me rest.
My ficus, asparagus fern, aloe vera and jade plants tell me to thrive
Davie Street traffic noises say life will continue
Finally the apartment is clean.
And once again, I'm dreaming big plans and big pictures
Wobbley. Shakey. Cautiously.
Balance might really just be hope and trust. No step feels secure, yet it doesn't make me slip. I don't know who God is. I'm really only beginning to know who I am...and if that even matters. I don't know how to live the good life. But I think I have it in spite of me. I pray in the promises of the true friend. That He carries me, sustains me, gives me balance, for His namesake.
"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my saviour, and my hope is in you all day long" - Psalm 25:4-5
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Thank you for your words.
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