I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Natures lesson today


(I didn't have my camera or phone with me today, otherwise I would've snapped a picture. This one is from Japan, but you get the idea)

As Zoe and I were walking up the townsite hill today, as we usually do, we noticed at the bottom there was a mama deer and her baby fawn. The baby fawn was behind a big chain fence, and there was only a tiny crack in the corner, where it must have gotten behind it. The fawn was squeaking and running around, trying to get out. 
I was so worried for the little guy, said a prayer and hoped it would find the tiny crack in the fence. After a couple minutes it still hadn't, and I worried that it would not make it out- the fence was waay too high for it to jump, and maybe mama too. 
I looked over to the mama, who was watching Zoe and I, to see what she would do. She folded her legs, and lay down. Then, the fawn, following suit, awkwardly lay down too. 
I was surprised by how calm the mama deer was. She didn't get all in a huff. This man made obstacle didn't worry her or concern her, and she knew exactly what to do to get her little one to relax too. No doubt, after laying down for awhile the fawn found the exit. 
Today I'm going to listen to this lesson from my mama deer friend. Stay calm. Teach your baby calmness and peace through example. Man made obstacles in my day need not worry me or alarm me. Thank you God for this gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful :) Thanks for sharing, Elli.