I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Zoe: Life lessons 7

Zoe is at the stage, just before walking on her own, where she loves to pull herself up onto things and shuffle along. She likes reaching and walking with us.

These new abilities are empowering and exciting for her, and us! But I've noticed, she's never quite as happy or calm as when we get right down next to her, to her level.

I can definitely be this way with God; excited as my spiritual maturity increases, when I'm trying a discipline out and it seems to be really gelling...But like Zoe, there are always stepping stones, and people to help me stand and live in certain ways.

And now matter how much I reach, God is the one who comes down to my level. He calms me. He is present with me...And as I was crouching down with Zoe the other day, got a sense of awe and fear in the holiness and love of what God did for us through Jesus.

He came to crouch beside us. He looks at us eye to eye, not from above. And his presence is here with us! Right now, flooding the room.


Claire said...

love this. thank you.

Lynne said...

I love our Jesus! Thank the Lord for his love!