I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

On the shelf

I'm just thinking about gifts, spiritual gifts and "waiting until it develops" gifts.
I love to dream and dabble in a lot of things. In the past, I have used some of these minor (I mean it!Small gifts being used in bigger than me ways!) interests/gifts/skills in a variety of ways to bless others and feel purpose-filled.
Right now being a mama has been great for pouring out love and giving and feeling full of purpose, but lingering in the back of my mind have been things people have said recently or in the past about my supposed "gifts".
I used to love to dance, and did so often. Sometimes for concerts or performances. Even now it is one of my favourite ways to respond to music. I am not, however, in classes anymore, and don't do much of it at all. In the past few months two people have asked me how I am continuing to nurture this "talent". I am flattered, but in the back of my head know that I am not and never was excellent, and now especially, stiff and post-baby would look like a hippo in pointe shoes!Still, I would like to dance again, not just for myself.
On more than one occasion, a very faith-filled woman has told me that I should be drawing. The thing is, I don't draw! Well, not really. I come up with grand images in my head that I can never translate onto paper. What does this mean? Maybe she just made a mistake?
So, I have heard it said that sometimes there are spiritual gifts that are "put on the shelf" for a later date, so to speak, but this has me confused and wondering if anyone has a story of one of these shelf gifts and if the waiting paid off, or if they were surprised by the use?! Should I just plunker away at nurturing something for no real reason?


Anonymous said...

Hey Elli! Loved reading your blog entry. In my mind and experience, there is a reason why you're feeling a "stirring up" of this talent. You can choose to do it now or later, if you do it now you can start a slow nurturing and enjoyment, and you may find not touching that talent until later, it will build up and bubble in your mind and it will manifest in "I just have to do this!" or "Yay I'm so excited to try it out!" Even little bits of dabbling now might peak your interest just that much more when you give 'er a try. If it doesn't end up going beyond that, you lost nothing and gained further wisdom. :)

ElleBelle said...

thanks, Court!
Yeah, I think that is a good idea,to be ready, just in case God does want to use those things soon...And if I'm not nurturing them, then how can God provide opportunities to use them?! (Well, okay, he could because he is GOD)...thanks for your words!

Lynne said...

Hey Elli,

There is always a time to try something new. I know how you feel about dance cause I feel the same way about skating. I've been feeling like at some point I'll get the go to start that up again, but in a different way. Probably teaching it. (or may be I won't and take up cross country skiing) Don't suppress things you want to do though, or things you want to try. People never become great at things over night, and sometimes dabbling is the best way to get some practice under your belt. I personally think you are an excellent writer, as well as a sculptor. (stuffed animals, and button stars) I bet you could make some pretty intense artistic work. Ever though of writing a book? Or screenplay?
Anyways, I guess what I really want to say is, don't be worried about being an expert. Do things because you feel the need to, because you feel a calling.

ElleBelle said...

thanks, Lynne!
And yes, I have dreams of writing screenplays..3 actually!!
Here is to praying that doors would be open for us, or closed, if that would bring more peace!