I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I have been eager about getting back to intentional discipline and obedience, thanks to some prayer and rereading "A long obedience..." by Eugene Peterson. I have been going on auto-pilot and let me tell you, I've been completely unsuccessful. Yet, I don't find that discipline and obedience are hard, per-say.... Left up to me, they are impossible! Instead, because it is such a daunting task, I want to take a stance of anticipation-participation... Lots of prayer and acknowledgment that when I do see love and joy and peace and compassion in my life it is because of Resurrection Life inside of me, like it says in the message translation, " working out of your true selves, your God-created selves".

Anyways, today I was reading Matthew...Yikes. I have A LONG ways to go!!! It is actually super discouraging, and humbling.

I wrote a little psalm about it:

Jesus Christ-
come with me
hold my shoulders and present me to God.
God- the Holy God- the Beautiful God
God who loves and gives generously
For I am a failure on all accounts.
I am so sorry
For going on auto pilot
For going on the past
When you ask for the present me
to live right now.
It isn't much to work with, God.
But you see me in a better light than I ever can
And you polish my heart
Until I'm glowing.
Get all the dirt spots, God!!
Rub with your word and your direction.
Remind me that you're Great and Good
And won't leave me to discouragement
You are a present God for the present tense
And you'll help me here. And now!

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