I don't really like pickleloaf.

I don't really like pickleloaf...I don't really like blogging. But here I am, blurting out whatever is on my mind.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Zoe: life lessons 8

Zoe is one now, which is so crazy. I'm still not "used" to being responsible for such an amazing human. She is growing in capability and understanding every day: she dances and plays the drums or her shaker to music; she growls like a bear and buzzes like a bee. She chews her food and climbs like a pro. She knows when we are teasing, and tests our "no"s. 
I still enjoy (!) nursing her, and now she really vocalizes and gestures (pulls at my shirt) when she wants some mama's milk. Sometimes I nurse her more than she needs- at night to soothe her, and during the day if she is grumpy. I am in no rush to wean her, in fact, she might be ready to give it up before I am! Sleep, we're still working on! 

I've been thinking and reading about spiritual maturity lately. Through Zoe, God is teaching me about his love and discipline and presence. I think God treasures our early believing days, when He comes so close to us and encourages us. But, like every mother, there comes a time (I guess!) when total dependency- and hysterics when she's not around- is enough and its time to mature. I've been remembering the phase of letting go of my hand, when God seemed to be helping me grow in trust and assurance that even when I don't FEEL him, he is still there. At first it was scary! 

I hope as Zoe grows, and I grow too, out of receiving immediate help and comfort, we can embrace trust, fully assured of the love poured on us. 

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